Wednesday, November 29, 2006
LOL...went out to collect the log cake
sheesh... then i was supposed to collect a shirt too
but they didn't tell me if it had arrived or not
so i didn't collect it
only collected my log cake
then when i got home
i received a call from them
telling me the shirt has arrived
and i just stepped into the house!
freakin' man!!
yeah... darn bored
going out with my mum to chinatown...
to get what? i dunno
to do what? i also dunno!! xDD
LOL... now i am into the christamassy mood!!!
whee~! will be busy busy busy
nothing else to say
so shall end it here!!
sayonara!! xDD
17days to eoy
7days to hyss photoshoot!!!
My mind's unweaving/ Wednesday, November 29, 2006
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
okay... finally home
went out with my mum for shopping~! xDD
LOL.. this is like the first year i spend so much money
a year to remember! xDD
went to novena square
uhh... they just opened a new section of the shopping mall
so go check it out
but not all the shops are opened
cause it is not the official opening today
so yeah... today was the first day for all the new shops! xDD
so duh... had discount
then my mum ask me to go down
LOL... why not?
i had nothing else better to do! xDD
went there... walked around
LOL.. the new section is like big
hmms... but if you want to go there and shop
be prepared to spend lots....
bought new pants,cap,2 polo shirts,1 top and a pencil case[present]
all that sums up to $100+ almost 200
so yeah >__________________>
bue i aint the ultimate winner! xDD
my mum is
she spent like urm $460+
on some art thing
punch hole one >__________>
like darn what la...
so urm... addition of me and my mum
we spent $700+?
around there bah...
like whoosh... all teh money fly away xDD
then got lucky draw
tio a log cake! xDD
towel and something else...
cant remember
LOL.... like zomg...
so many things to carry home TT______TT
that sums up my day... at least >______>
tom will be going out! xDD
and the day after
and the day after after? xDD
people!!! get ready!!!
eoy is coming up!
18days away!!!
hyss photoshoot
8days away!!!
My mind's unweaving/ Tuesday, November 28, 2006
Monday, November 27, 2006
domo! xDD
changed blogskins
and background music to hanabi!! xDD
didn't get to update yesterday
so sorry!!
yesterdayhappy belated birthday angeline!! xDD
went to church
then saw ryan without a cap on
like that's once in a lifetime thing to see! xDD
-.-" he looked like kira without the fringe
and he has super curly hair...
then yeah... also abit like rukia too
without the fringe >________>
then rushed for service...
and to find all the youth missing
from the spot we always sit
so i ran down and found out that
the guys were going for a soccer outing
then the girls?
they were in the sunday school service
so i joined them
aunty eliza pulled me out of the service half way -.-
cause she,angeline,deb,ber,sarah,aunty alicia and me
was supposed to go for breakfast at macs
annabelle came later...
then walked around for abit
then rush back to church for rehearsal
after rehearsal... felt really tired
but still helped my mum with some cutting thing
-.- i cut for awhile then fell asleep!! xDD
after that i went home....
LOL... was supposed to go collect the vk stuff
but they need to arrange the stuff
so go for ataksuki outing? -.-
not even in ataksuki team >_________>
people who went:sd,stjh,hellpriestess,nisao,zero,fatesealer,jkkh
go to the arcade
yes i played para!
but no mood >___>
so couldn't go high... sigh...
then ate lunch at a jap restaurant
after lunch...
on the way to stjh's place
everyone was talking about yaoi pairings!!!
didn't really know what they were talking about
cause i dont watch naruto >_________>
then it switched to bleach! xDD
finally know something i can talking about xDD
hahahas... wa.. then also found out
that everyone there other than me
was a L fan....
zzz... then stepped into stjh's place
i tried on akito/agito the costume! xDD
then played the guitar
watch alittle bit of code geass
then helped out with the wigs >__________>
zomg... i am never getting a wig!!!
its darn hard to maintain it!!
did stjh's wig first{deidara hairstyle}
sd and i were doing the wigs... xDD
just combing it was darn hard >_____>
then did some trimming of wig too
then we had to tie up the wig
cause it is supposed to be like that! xDD
hmms... so we had to redo it like 3 times
{including the one before the first try
cause that was done by fate and sd.. not me}
until we got it right >__________>
first time--> after we comb... it turned out messy
second time--> it wasn't straight!
third time--> SUCCESS!!! xDD
hmms... rest awhile then it was zero's wig {itachi hairstyle}
he couldn't stop moving >_____________>
and he wanted to watch tv
so i took the chair
put it right infront of the tv! xDD
combing his wig was so much better...
but the bad part
the both of us must cut the wig with precaution! -.-
cause if sd or i snipped a strand of his hair off
he will blow up and scream at us...
and walk out of the house....kowaii ne? xDD we had to be extra careful
we cut the wig the fringe
from front view
it looks weird
but from side view
it looked like itachi!!!
whoo~! SUCCESS!! xDD
needed to gel the fringe
then it will look nice from the front view
but didn't do the gel...
too tired and back pain xDD
then played abit more guitar
then go home..
also found another pitch perfect person...
so envious of them!! TT_____TT
and that person is... fate! xDD
when i got home
i looked at my clothes
and see a stand of hair
i would wonder...
is that the wig or my hair? xDD
done! xD
will be going out with stjh to collect the vk things on wednesday! xDD
i scared the costume doesn't come in time for the hyss photoshooot
19 days to eoy
9 days to hyss photoshoot
My mind's unweaving/ Monday, November 27, 2006
Saturday, November 25, 2006
today was freaky
my home phone didn't work
my computer internet got cut off
and i couldn't watch local channels on my tv!!!
like zomg...
cause starhub had some weird problem
then all connections died =.=
okay... but its fixed for quite some time already! xD
zomg... i watched hardo gay
and laughed my way thru' the whole thing! xDD
i aint the type who would bother watching hardo gay xD
but i needed to i watched it! xDD
he scares people by shaking his hips too much! xDDDDDD
'he is a moron with good intensions'
LOL... what kind of thing is that????? xD
zomg... those who have not watched it
and is in need of a really good laugh...
go watch it!! xDDDDDDDDDDD
okay that's it for today! xD
see you~! xD
My mind's unweaving/ Saturday, November 25, 2006
Friday, November 24, 2006
hellos!! xDD
my hands are aching!!!
yesterday para too much liao! xDD
just downloaded death note ep 8
it just amuses me everytime i watch ryuk's reaction
when he cant eat any apples
like darn funny can? xDD
the twisted pose that ryuk made
on the floor was darn funny too! xD
i can wait till he twists his body
even more as he's deprived of apple xDD
another one was when ryuk looked at light reading porn
he gave the stoned reaction! xDD
L was eating green tea ice cream
like nnooooooooo...
i want to eat ice cream too!! xDD
light is stupid
he gave himself away
like he was reading porn -.-
like come on >_____>
you can do something else right?
needless to say that its really disgusting -.-
it was so obvious that light was trying to cover up his tracks
he is like setting the trap for himself
instead for L -.-
he is also a darn rich kid...
throwing away a LCD portable tv
which cost 39 800yen
about $350 -.-
seriously waste of cash...
LOL... enough said...
-------spoiler ends-------------
did nothing today! xD
tom will be another day of stoning >_______>
until the evening
then go shopping with my mum again! xDD
hai... my hamster died TT_________TT
i think it died days ago
but neither my mum nor i noticed that its dead
cause of death is still unknown
it couldn't have died of old age
cause i got it afew months ago
and it was just a baby when i got it!
LOL... weird suggestions on how my hamster died....
from other people >_____________>
someone wrote my hamster's name in the death note.... -.-
its soul got eaten by a hollow... -.-
my hamster's soul wanted to go soul society!
so that it can become a taichou -.-""""""""""""
anyway... so sad...
it died so quickly!!
i still have another one
its a lao ah bei liao! xDD
but still active! xDD
LOL... i shall end it for today xDD
cant wait to go shopping with my mum! :P
{23 more days to eoy
13 more days to hyss photoshoot!}
My mind's unweaving/ Friday, November 24, 2006
Thursday, November 23, 2006
today was fun sia! xD
para from 10.40 to 2+
people who went:sd,byakugan,stjh,jkkh,sawatari,kai,zero
4-5 hours of para-ing non-stop... xD
i kept doing para para
then the others kept on doing free-style >___>
free-style is hard..
only easy for people like stjh and kai
the pros >__________>
soon after... byakugan and sd switched to para para! xD
byakugan can challenge eva!!!
like she learned some of the steps in afew hours
like whoa!!!
sd... also darn pro >____>
wahahaha... everyone except for sawatari played...
but i have seen her para before :P
went alittle high? maybe just high on para xDD
i am crazeh!! xDD
anyway... had a really fun time
the para crave is still there!!!
then we went to long john's and have lunch
then saw melani and vivian
then met up with cheekk
we ate then go to pan
first time i tried so many costumes in a day O_______O
tried 3 costumes i think
ichigo bankai costume,rukia shinigami form and sakura from naruto
then went back with sawatari and kai
LOL... quizzy time~! xDD
1.Best place to cry?
- my room...
2. Missing someone right now?
- maybe?
3. The person/people you love the most?
- my family...
4.Tell us your dream last night...
- cant remember what i dreamt about...
5. Ever hate someone so bad?
- YES!
6. The biggest lie you heard?
- 'no i am not going out with him!' when that b*tch is... -.-"
7. Ever lied to someone you love the
person most?
- nope...
8. What's the worst thing you've ever
- a long list...
9. Wanna be someone else than ur self?
- no...
10. Ever slap someone?
- yeah... and what a great relief it gave me! xD
11. Last time u cried?
- uhh... dont want to talk about that time >_______>
12. Biggest crush?
- LOL... not telling dude...
13. Last mall u went to?
- uhh.... chinatown point? is it even considered as a mall? -.-"
14. Last memorable song that you've
15. Last person that hates you?
- dont know... and dont bother to know >___>
16. Reasons why That person hates
- i dont even know who the person is >__________>
17. Biggest lie you said?
- uhh.... cant remember...
18. What u wanna say to someone that u
- stay happy happy yeah?
21. Where are you at?
- home...
22. Have you EVER failed a subject at
-yeah... chinese
23. What's on your mind?
- uhh... basically.. para para!! xDD
24. Honestly, who are you chatting
online with now?
- no one...
25. What is it that you REALLY should
be doing right now?
- uhh... nothing...
26. Have you brushed your teeth today?
- duh! -.-
27. Who are your best friends in the
- too many to list!
28. Honestly who is the hottest person
you know?
-... dont know xD
29. Honestly, are you a good friend?
- dont think so...
30. Honestly, do you really think
going to school is important?
31. Honestly, what are your dreams
- having fun! xD
32. Honestly, who/what makes you happy
most of the time?
- my friends!
33. Honestly, what are you so sad
about right now?
- sad? what sad? i am not sad dude...
35.Honestly, what song are you
listening to right
-happy people xD
36. Honestly, who do you want to meet
at this very moment?
- uhh... no one xD
37. Honestly, where do you like to be
-... dont ask me such questions please >________>
38. Honestly, do you have a deadly
-no... -.-"
39. Honestly, do you hate someone
right now?
- hate is too strong a word... more towards dislike...
40. Honestly, who/what do you wanna
hug right now?
-no one! xD
I Am:
a human xD
I Want:
my vk costume and para para somemore
I Have:
a huge craze over hatsuharu
I Wish:
to be with a certain someone? xD
I Hate:
nothing xD
I Fear:
aliens!! xDD
I Hear:
the music player playing houki hoshi
I Search:
using google...
I Wonder:
how the heck did i get addicted to para para?
I Regret:
not playing somemore para para...
I Love:
my familt and friends...
I Ache:
over nothing! xD
I Always:
breathe and long for something to come xD
I Usually:
use the computer
I Dance:
when i feel like it xD
I Sing:
in my room to myself! xD
I Rarely:
go really high...
I Cry:
only when something hurts me? xD
I Am Not Always:
I'm Confused:
over nothing! xD
I Need:
my vk costume! and more para para! xDD
I Should:
para some more! xD
I Must:
go out more! xDD
My mind's unweaving/ Thursday, November 23, 2006
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
love haru~!
*prances around the room* xDD
i am back at the haru craze!!!
suddenly got the craze for hatsuharu yesterday
i know many of you are like
"haru is gay"
"haru's first love was yuki"
LOL... i dont give a damn about it
haru is gay== yaoi!!!
then he is darn cute can?
his hair so nice!! xDD
then his dressing is ultra cool man!!!
the bad boy kind
even more cool~!!!!!
other than having ultra bad sense direction
and using a bicycle rather than a motorcycle
he is darn shuai can???
love him the most~! xDD
****SPOILER****haru gets freed from the curse in chapter 130!!!whoohoo~!
he gets freed~!oh yeah!!! xDD
****end of spoiler****
so sorry.... totally crazy over haru
i think it should vanish in afew weeks time tops....
haru is cute~!! xDD
okay enough about haru and about today
went out for church practice lor
darn funny
daniel had to act sissy!!!
omg... he is like super good at it
all of us were laughing really hard!!
yeah... we practiced alot
i maybe throwing one of my roles to sarah
the stupid mrs lee part
cause on that day i will not be able to change in time
so LOL... sarah has to do it
oh yeah~!
celebrate man!!!xDD
going out tom
going to douby ghaut arcade first
go para and ddr high
then head for breakfast/lunch
then to pan
and check out stuff lor
then go to stjh's house to cut cloth
which has nothing to do with me
only the akatsuki people
and i am not one of them!! xDD
LOL... i will go super high tom
i think
both haru craze,sugar high and para/ddr high
super highness!!!
updates again tom
see you all~!
haru's mine... steal him from me
and i will smack you until you bleed!!
and i mean it!!!!
My mind's unweaving/ Wednesday, November 22, 2006
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
went out with my mum today~! xD
go shopping... but never buy anything -.-
hahahs... saturday going back and buy more clothes! xD
watched death note ep 7
i find it amuzing...
like at the way lighto tries desperately to find naomi's real name
he looks pathetic in thought...
and he stupidly told naomi that he is kira
when he found out her real name
what happens if that card was a fake?
and she was just lying about her name again?
what happens if there were people around?
who had super sharp hearing?
he could EASILY expose himself...
but the ep was much better than the previous eps...
its really stupid that he actually said
"i am kira" to naomi...
totally stupid!!!
and that ryuk...
his laughter annoys me...
he laughs and doesn't say the reason to it
anyway... here is a quiz...
well.. i have nothing to do at home
only watch anime... -.-"
1. Made you smile?
- my mum -.-"
2. Saw you cry?
- teresa...
3. Went to the movies with you?
- uhh... cassandra... thost nutso people lor...
4. You talked on the phone with?
- cassandra -.-
1. Pierce your nose or tongue?
- tongue
2. Be serious or be funny?
- funny -.-" duh!
3. Drink whole or skim milk?
- whole
4. Die in a fire or drown?
- drown[but i can swim!! xDD]
5. Spend time with your parents or
- parents...
1. Flowers or candy?
- candy~! sugar~! xDD
2. Gray or black?
- black...
3. Color or Black and white photos?
- colour...
4. Lust or love?
- lust
5. Sunrise or sunset?
- sunset
6. M&Ms or Skittles?
- both!
7.Staying up late or waking up early?
- staying up late!
**With honesty, you should answer
1. Do you like anyone?
- uhh... honestly... why should i tell you? xDD
2. Ever recorded a sexual act on video?
sexual intercourse ?
- NO! that's like darn sick can?
3. Have you taken a picture naked?
- NO -.-"
4. Will you fall for the wrong guy or
- uhhuh... i did! that was like darn long ago...xD
1. Sun or moon?
- sun
2. Snickers or Hersheys Chocolate?
- hersheys chocolate~~~!
3. Left or right?
- right
4. 10 acquaintances or having two best
- 2 best friends!
5. Sunny or rainy?
- sunny
6. Vanilla ice cream or chocolate ice
- chocolate! duh -.-"
** About you...
1. What time is it?
- 5.53pm
2. Name?
- yining
3. Nickname(s):
- mid,middy,summie,nacchan.. LOL... whatever 'mid's you can think of -.-"
4. When is your birthday?
- 29th july
5. What do you want right now?
- be with that person? xD LOL!!
6. Where do you want to live?
- japan!!
7. How many kids do you want?
- 2...
8. You want to get married?
- ya... with the correct person -.-"
**Do you have THE skills?
1.Can you roll your tounge?
- yeap
**Other things
1. Do you twirl your spaghetti or cut
- twirl
2. Have you ever eaten Spam?
- how the heck am i supposed to eat spam? -.-
3. Favorite ice cream?
- hagandaas! <33>__>
**In the last month, have you.........
1. had a crush?
- yes..>____________>
2. Bought something:
- of course la
3. Sang:
- alot of songs...
5. Been hugged:
- uhhuh -.-"
6. Felt stupid:
- yes!
7. Missed someone?:
- yeah >________>
8. Danced crazy:
- yeah... went parapara and ddr high!! xDD
9. Gotten your hair cut?
- ya...
10. Cried:
- ya...
11. Lied:
- ya... i think so! xD
1.what's one thing you like to do when
you're alone?
uhh... sleep,eat,watch anime and listen to songs...
2. Are you happy with your life now ?
uhh... not really...
3.what kind of books do you like to
manga only!! xDD
4. what do you carry with you at all
my handphone,wallet
5.what color is your bedroom?
6.whats one language you want to learn?
7.have you ever pierced your body parts?
no -.-" not even my ears -.-"
8.what's one trait you hate in a person?
bimbotic you consider yourself
a human xDD
10.Honestly, are you happy now?
no -.-
11. If one day your best friend falls
in love with the guy you deeply in love
with, what would you do ?
stay quiet until they break up!! xDD
12 Are you a chinese or english freako?:
english?i think xD
13. If time is going to stop; what will
you possibly do for that time?:
with a certain someone? xDD together with my friends...
14. Prefer a playpool or playground?:
pool bah... xDD
15. Do you like simple or complicated
uhh.. simple.. who likes complicated stuff???
16. Do you tackle numbers better; or
numbers~! MATHS!!!! yayy!!! xDD
17. Do you have inspiration without
.... too chim liao... cannot comprehend!! xDD
18. Do you think 24 hours is too long,
short or just okay?:
short... i guess
19. Would you judge people by their
appearance?: nice can liao xDD
20. Do you like the day or night,
explain why:
day.... out with friends~!
21. Do you believe in miracles?:
22. In your mind, wat colours are out
23. Have you ever pity those who are
real pitiful; and shed tears for them;
24. Describe yourself as in attitude:
25. Do you suddenly lose the grasp of
hope to survive as yet?
26. Give 3 advantages when you get to
my friend,family,fun!
27. What is your ambition in life?:
become a sciencetist and change the world!!
28. Do you believe in horoscope etc?:
29. Describe music in your life:
gives rhythm to what i do... xD
30. Which country you would like to go:
My mind's unweaving/ Tuesday, November 21, 2006
Monday, November 20, 2006
ichigo X rukia = ichiruki
ichiruki is LOVE!! xDD
so many amvs to share...
all ichiruki!!!
i will just share afew good ones of ichiruki!! xDD
Rukia's Twenty-Four HoursIchiruki Love MedleyIchigo and Rukia love from the heartFunny Love * Ichigo & Rukia*Bleach IchirukiStickwitu IchigoxRukia [New]LOL... too many to put up already
anyway... here are just afew ichiruki pictures~! xDD


... too lazy to upload the rest!! xDD
todaywent out with cassandra
we ate at burger king first
then headed down to cineleisure
to check out hitsugaya figurines...
cassandra wanted to buy figurines mah
after that went to taka
i did not buy the sword...
f10 is making one for me xDD
just go there look at the bokken
after that we walked to far east
finding high and low
for punk stuff... LOL
i bought just enough money to pay all my stuff!! xDD
anyway... bought a hand warmer? xD
3 rings... which are 'big' for me
its either too big or too small
i was trying out one of the rings
and it got stuck
for a minute i thought i would have to go home with that ring
but in the end... i managed to pull it out!! xDD
we went to kino....
then go home...
ichiruki is love~!
ohoh! i finally finish drawing kaname kuran~!
i took 3 days to just draw it all out
like stupid hair of his =X
darn hard la!!!
then i took 10 mins to just draw one pathetic eye!!!
omg... its darn hard...
what should i draw next?
anyway... got to do a quiz... before i end this post!! xD
taken from teresa... well she asked me to do it xDD
Name 13 of your friends that you can think of now
01. teresa
02. shermaine
03. qarissa
04. cassandra
05. bridget
06. firemace
07. hiroyuki
08. tifa_lockhart
09. serene
10. kimi_takashi
11. jingzhi
12. siren
13. sawatari
don't read the questions below until you have written all the names of the 13 people!
Q1. How did you meet 10?[kimi_takashi]
scc;cosplay forum...
Q2. what would you do if you have never met 1?[teresa]
i would have died of boredom in school!!
Q3. What would you do if 2 and 6 dated?[shermaine and firemace]
WHAT?? cannot... impossible!!! xDD
Q4. Have you seen 4 cry before?[cassandra]
Q5.Do you think 10 is cute?[kimi_takashi]
Q6.How did you get to know about 8?[tifa_lockhart]
scc;cosplay forum...
Q7.would you ever go on a date with 12?[siren]
omg -.-" i would die of getting glomped so many times...
Q8.whats 7's fave colour?[hiroyuki]
white,green and blue... if i am not wrong
Q9.what would you do if 6 confessed that he/she likes you?[firemace]
-.-" *speechless*
Q10.facts abt 9[serene]
she? when i am smsing/calling some one she would go " oh smsing/calling jerome koh again?"
pfft... which i dont...
i wear something different
she would go" oh... some one is going out with jerome koh later"
cause jerome is the only friend she knows who cosplays
like she goes jerome koh this... jerome koh that...
i bet she is in LOVE with jerome!!!
but she is a great friend to be with
always fun to be with...
Q11.whos 4 going out with?[cassandra]
no one... does she look like the kind who goes out with guys at this age?
Q12.who is 5 to you?[bridget]
a friend... and uhh... a friend's slave=my slave too! xDD
Q13.would you ever live with 13?[sawatari]
i would die of getting really high everyday...
Q14. is 2 single?[shermaine]
nope.... xD
Q15.what do you think about 3?[qarissa]
retard queen.
Q16.whats the best thing about 5?[bridget]
best thing? BULLY HER!!! xDDDD
Q17.what do you like about 11?[jingzhi]
Q18.Favourite memory with 2? (:[shermaine]
6 people to do the quiz:
if you didn't do it... then DO IT!! xDD
My mind's unweaving/ Monday, November 20, 2006
Sunday, November 19, 2006
okay... busy busy busy!!!! xDD
super long post!!
beware! xDD
yesterdayout with the scc people for ice-skating outing!
people who went: stjh,kyuumew,jkkh,zero,kai,jesuke,radzonen,witch_cat,yukihoshi,
uhh... the rest... i dont know! xDD
had a fun time
but sprained abit of my ankle
well... i lost all of my skating skills!!!
nnnnnnooooooo... rust alot...
anyway... i fell once
thanks to kyuumew
i was helping her up
she couldn't stand properly
so she fell back down
and clipping my right leg along
and causing me to fall with her!
like dammit... i was wet!!!
hahas... than yukihoshi help me up... xDD
then another guy[not sure what's his name] help kyuumew up...
yuki goes around helping people up... xDD
also went skating with him for afew rounds... LOL
anyway... zero helped alot of people to buy takoyaki!!
whee~! thanks sia!!!
i was hungry!!! xDDDD
then talked to kai for abit
then started eating my takoyaki
and yeah... kai had 4 of the takoyaki balls!!!
then i realised that i was eating an octopus one
instead of chicken
so kai swapped with me
cause he was eating a chicken one
when he was supposed to be eating an octopus one
muahahahah... so i had the 4 takoyaki balls!! xDD
dont think dirty
but in the end.... the last takoyaki ball
was an octopus one...
which belonged to kai
uhh... but i ate it half way...
its impossible to give it to him and eat it! xDDD
hmms... i left eariler...
something else happened...
but LOL... not saying...
rushed from jurong east to tanah merah!
then arrived like 1hr + later -.-
had worship then dinner
serene left with ryan!!! xDDDDDDD
then uhh... i had nothing to do
so i was thinking and staring into space...
also watched the kids play in the swimming pool
well... they reminded me of old times... xDD
where i used to have tons of fun in the pool with my friends
anyway.... so yeah...
then i left for home with gracia and sylvia
and thanks to aunty elisa for the lift all the way to my doorstep! xD
that's about yesterday
went to church...
had worship with the kids
like whoa... they were singing today!
like super happy that the worship came out well
LOL... but i only did the computer!! xD
okay... then had a small youth worship
then we had doulos team gave the message
whoa... its was great!
loved the speaker...
if that guy wasn't in a ship sailling from country to country
everyone would want him as our youth pastor!
like everyone LOVED his message...
'God is love!!!' <--- something i remembered
LOL... i was listening!! xDD
i usually wouldn't xD
but the introduction of the whole doulos team
was... uhh... boring
i fell asleep!!! xDD
this is the one and only time i loved someone's message
other than pastor tim[previous youth pastor]
anyway... we had lunch after the message
then angeline raped me!!! xDD
well... i was wearing sleeveless with a jacket on
then yeah... i dont wear stufff like that to church
so she was like.... what the... let me see
*start pulling my jacket off*
then obviously i started running -.-
that was scary...
jammed abit after lunch ...
uhh then pastor aow was shocked that i could play the drums
like LOL... he was looking at me while i was playing???
wtf!!!! i was playing random beats most of the time!! xDD
then went out with serene,serene's friend,ryan and aaron yeh
went to skate park
LOL... we girls went there was to look at the guys fall!! xDDD
and have a good laugh there
but we didn't...
and we witness a guy doing one of the tricks with his skate board
and ended up breaking the skate board into two
like freaking pro man!!! xDD
yeah... then aaron yeh fell many times
but i bet i would fall more times then him if i did in-line skating -.-
then i saw this super cute ang mo kid!! xDD
hahhas... i am being rude.... LOL
yup... he was darn young la...
and he was doing in-line skating...
like pro man!!!
oh and i noticed one thing
the guys over at the skate park
like to show off their boxers -.-
like obscene can?
some even wore belts...
and their jeans were like going to drop any min -.-
then i left eariler
serene!!! you still owe me a lunch!!! xDD
headed home for dinner with my dad and mum
then used the com after that! xD
whee~! going out with cassandra tom
here is a video... you all must watch!!!
support our kaien... demidevil!! xDD a slideshow of asia cosplayers...
must watch it!!! xDD
okay... that's about it...
see you all!!! xDD
My mind's unweaving/ Sunday, November 19, 2006
Friday, November 17, 2006
ignore the previous post!!!
i wasn't feeling myself yesterday -.-
but i am feeling myself today!!! xDDD
anyway.... heck i going to be SUPER busy tom -.-
kill me...
like going to go ice skating from 1.30-4?
then rush to aunty poh kiang's house for some seminar...
-.-" for leading in a worship for kids...
so rush!!!!
and her house is like at kew drive?
and the nearest mrt station is at tanah merah..
LOL.. after the seminar thing
got potluck dinner!!!
also have worship....
actually...i will be like extremely late for the seminar -.-
its from 9am to 9pm -.-"
oh yeah... i forgot to mention
that i cut my hair
nnnnnnooooooo... the fringe is poking my eye!! TT__TT
sometimes only! xDD
my sword that i reserved in taka
finally got shipped in already!!!
now... i just need to get the money from my dad...
then head over to taka on monday to collect it!!!
oh yeah... will be going out with cassandra too
so will be getting alot of stuff on monday!! xDD
omg... why does my mum want a laptop?
if she doesn't use it..
it will go to me!! xDD
that's about it
and tifa.... stop guessing already
you will never get it...
cause i will NEVER tell!! xDD
quiz!!! xDD
stole this from kimi_takashi!! xDD
[*] long
[ ] smooth
[ ] straight
[*] layered
[ ] highlighted/dyed
[ ] straightening/curling iron
[ ] reboned/curled/permed
[ ] princess tiara
[ ] highlighting iron
Total: 2
* Clothes
[ ] more than 5 formal dresses
[*] more than 15 going out clothes
[*]Adidas/Giordano/Hang Ten/Nike
[ ] blazers
[ ] hand-made sweaters
[ ]more than 5 belts
[ ] nice costumes
Total: 2
* Shoes
[*] more than a pair of shoes
[ ]more than 3 pairs of shoes
[*] Hush Puppies/Shoebox/Ten Toes/Mad or other popular brands
[ ] more than 2 pairs of tennis shoes
[ ] ballet shoes
[*] flip flops/slippers
[*] at least 1 high heels/sport shoes
Total: 4
[ ] a real gold or silver necklace around your neck
[ ] more than one on your neck now
[*] necklaces (not on your neck) kept in your room
[*] hand made (beads) necklaces
[*]more then 2 watches
[ ]diamond earrings/earrings with gemstones
[ ] round earrings
[ ] more than 5 pairs of earrings
[ ] gold/silver bracelets
[ ] more than 10 bracelets
[*]silver ring
[ ]nike perfume
Total: 5
* Others
[*] mp3/iPod
[*] laptop/desktop
[ ] more than $700 cell phone
[*] CD player
[*] telephone in your own room
[ ] you own credit card(s) – make it debit. Lol.
[ ]your own room
[*] more than one instrument
[*] camera/camcorder
[ ]printer with scanner
[ ] huge bed
[ ] closet with lots of clothes
[ ]barbecue pit
[ ]swimming pool
[*] pet(s)
[*]fax/photocopy machine
[ ] nightstand
[ ]treasure box
[*]diary<-- but never use! xDD
[*]squeeze pillow
[ ] aroma therapy in your room
[*] TV in your room
[ ]your parents/you have a collection of antique stuff
[*] you/your parents own a car
[ ] more than 1 car
[ ]gym room/karaoke lounge downstairs
[ ] your have a driver to drive you
[*] stayed in more than one house before
[*] family members/relatives are in other countries
Total: 15
TOTAL : 28
* is this bulletin created/made by you?
- No.
10-20 AVERAGE GIRL--you are an average teenage girl
21-30---LUCKY GIRL--you are one lucky girl31-45---SPOILED GIRL--you are spoiled
46+--RICH GIRL--you just happen to have lots of money to spend ~
LOL... i'm lucky??? 0.o
not!! -.-"
why does
everything seem like
its going my waywhen
it isn'tits a horrible game...
{i am just weird.}
My mind's unweaving/ Friday, November 17, 2006
Thursday, November 16, 2006
depressioni cried because of you...
was it
worth the tears?
My mind's unweaving/ Thursday, November 16, 2006
Wednesday, November 15, 2006
did nothing today! xD
just watched some videos made by different deviantartists! xD
just going to share afew of them... hates sugar o.0 note,south park style! xD its related to harry potter and death note
LOL... is sick in a way =.=
and a quiz....
qns : What is your status?
ans : dont know xDD
qns : What were you doing 5 minutes ago?
ans : uhh... eating dinner
qns : What are your fave sports?
ans : badminton,tennis, basically almost every sport
qns : Do you cry most of the time you have
ans : uhh no... unless its worth crying for xD
qns : Did you have a fight with sumone today?
ans : nope
qns : What are your fave subjects?
ans : science,maths
qns : Who cheers u up the most in your life?
ans : my good friends
qns : Do u like to chat?
ans : uhhuh..
qns : last chat?
ans : tifa!! xDD
qns : Do you like to laugh?
ans : of course! xD
qns : Last text message from? What's about?
ans : uhh from tifa... detailsof the sms? secret! xD
qns : Last food?
ans : mince meat porridge...
qns : Do you have an exam?
ans : yeah... but it ended? LOL!!!
qns : Do you think people who like to study a lot
are nerds?
ans : not really... i only consider nerds who wear
nerdy specs,studies the heck lot...
and wear the pants like darn high -.-
qns : What's your opinion about long distance
ans : long distance? sounds romantic bah...
but i think its quite hard to communicate..
qns : About love at the first sight?
ans : hmms... i believe in that! xDD
qns : Did you ever love sumone but he/she didnt
like you?
ans : maybe?
qns : Did you ever dump sumone?
ans : no... reject.. of course have la -.-"
qns : Have you ever taken a relationship with
sumone u didn't love?
ans : no... not worth it... like forcing yourself to someone
who likes you but you dont like the person? its like totally wrong!
qns : Have you ever hurt sumone who u love so
ans : uhh... think so =X
qns : Do you like your school?
ans : my school? not really... okay okay... xD
qns : Do you have sumthing you must do right
ans : no... other than thinking... LOL... nothing else! xDD
okay... shall conclude my post with my schedule! xDD
thursday[tom]- Christmas skit practice
friday-out with my mum to cut my hair
saturday-out with scc people for ice-skating outing!!
sunday-in church for youth worship and some extra seminar thing for youths....
monday-out with cassandra to buy more punk stuff!! xDD
hope anyone will ask me out on tuesday and wednesday
LOL... two days straight at home is going to kill me
okay... see you all then!! xDD
My mind's unweaving/ Wednesday, November 15, 2006
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
first i have to say;
update for yesterday...
arrived at habourfront mrt at 10.45
then sawatari arrived like eariler than me o.0
the both of us talked for abit
then stjh and jkkh arrived together
we headed down to the bus interchange
where we took a free shuttle bus from habourfront to sentosa
in the shuttle bus
i sat with sawa
while jkkh was sitting with stjh
we got off at the tourist station
i think that is what it is called
bought a ticket
to the yellow line bus
and headed to palawan!!
sawatari and i went to 7-11 to get some stuff
jkkh help us 'chop' a place
sjth went to take photos of the place
when sawa and i got back
we started setting up everything
and we had a evil plan
well... obviously it came from me la -.-
we were supposed to dig a huge hole before the other guys come
while we were digging
the guys came
we were like " shit... what the heck... why they arrive so quickly!??"
plan in ruins.... TT__TT
LOL... so the guys started playing with the volleyball
sawa,stjh and i started building a sand castle
cause we were bored...
after that... we started playing monkey with the guys?
but sheesh... there wasn't any monkey -.-
then most of us went into the water to play
the girls went in first
after awhile... sawatari,stjh and i pushed kai into the water!! xDD
zero and eva just stay on the land -.-
but later zero come in on his own -.-"
then play with the ball in the water
and splash water at each other -.-
eva still stay on land
after that we went to eat...
then to bath
the girls bath faster than the guys o.0
then we all met up at 7-11
then played friskbee
sat down chatted abit
then head home...
todayLOL... managed to let loose abit
well thanks to tifa and sawa
managed to move while playing para para and ddr
yes! i played ddr
but sucked like hell!
LOL... what you expect from a person who didn't play ddr before?
then we went to orchard
then went to have a look at the sword
cause i need it for cosplaying as rukia
nnnnnnoooooooo... but it was out of stock!!!!
then after that come home
and slack!! XDD
photos? lazy to post it up here..
still have tons more not put up yet -.-"
yes! my mum says that she is finally going to upgrade the stupid computer
to wins xp! xD
FINALLY!!! -.-
she say because of the gst that's why she is going to upgrade it
and she is going to do it before the gst goes up by 2%
*jumps around the room* xDD
ohoh... here is a bit of a conversation with takahan:
yining//midsummer: its a doujinshiKing TaKaHaN: is it prince of tennis?-yining//midsummer: yeahKing TaKaHaN: ah u draw doujin?King TaKaHaN: goodKing TaKaHaN: becos i am a doujin publisher-yining//midsummer: o.0King TaKaHaN: maybe u can be part of my group-yining//midsummer: 0.0
all hail the king!! xDD
those who are in scc should understand...xDD
okay that's it for today... see you all xDD
My mind's unweaving/ Tuesday, November 14, 2006
Monday, November 13, 2006
just got home...
anyway...went to sentosa for fun! xD
shall update about sentosa tom
well... cause i will be able to upload the pictures at the same time too
so for now... be entertain by a quiz
taken from teresa
You're supposed to get below 30 points in total to be considered an angel[guai kia] n if its over..youare a DEVIL[pai kia]. - in nicer words.
1) smoked b4 [ ]
2) drink alcohol b4 [x]
3) slept with someone of the opposite sex [ ]
4) slept with someone of the same sex [x]
5) gotten into any fights [ ]
6) kissed someone of the opposite sex b4 [ ]
7) kissed someone of the same sex b4 [ ]
8) had someone in your room of the opposite sex [x]
9) scold vulgarities [x]
10) bought porn [ ]
11) take drugs b4 [ ]
12) hate going to the doctors [ ]
13) lied to your parents [x]
14) lied to a friend [x]
15) snick(?) out of the house [ ]
17) cut yourself [ ]
18) hurt someone [x]
19) wished someone to die [x]
20) seen someone die [ ]
21) missed curfew [x]
22) stayed out all night [ ]
23) eaten a carton of ice cream by yourself [x]
24) been to a therapist [ ]
25) been to rehab [ ]
26) dyed your hair [ ]
27) received a ticket [ ]
28) been in a wreck [ ]
29) been to a club [ ]
30) been to a bar [ ]
31) been to a wild party [x]
32) seen the Mardi Gras [ ]
33) had a fight [ ]
34) had a spring break in Florida [ ]
35) sniffed anything [x]
36) wore black nail polish before [ ]
37) wore wrist bands [x]
38) wore t-shirts with band names [ ]
39) wore black eyeliner [ ]
40) own a 50 cent CD [ ]
41) hugged someone of the opposite sex [x]
42) hugged someone of the same sex [x]
43) gone out with someone of the opposite sex [x]
44) gone out with someone of the same sex [x]
45) stole something [x]
46) been too drunk to remember anything [ ]
47) blacked out [ ]
48) fainted [ ]
49) had a crush on your neighbour [ ]
50) had someone else snuck into your room [ ]
51) snuck into someone else's room [ ]
52) had a crush on someone of the same sex [ ]
53) had gone and watched movies with friends [x]
54) dry humped someone [ ]
55) been called a sl*t [ ]
56) called someone a sl*t[ ]
57) installed speakers in your car [ ]
58) broke a mirror [ ]
59) showered at someone of the opposites sex's house [x]
60) brushed your teeth with someone else's toothbrush [x]
61) consider Mac,Dr Dre, e40 or Mistah Fab your favorite rapper [ ]
62) seen an R rated movie in theaters [ ]
63) going out with friends to the mall [x]
64) skipped school [x]
65) had an eating disorder [ ]
66) had hurt yourself b4 [ ]
67) gone to court [ ]
68) walked out of a restaurant without paying[x]
69) caught something on fire [ ]
70) lied about your age [x]
71) owned an apartment [ ]
72) cheated on your boyfriend/girlfriend [x]
73) cheated with someone [ ]
74) got in trouble with the police [ ]
75) talked to a stranger [x]
76) hugged a stranger [x]
77) kissed a stranger [ ]
78) rode in the car with a stranger [x]
79) been sexually harassed [x]
80) been verbally harassed [ ]
81) met face to face with someone you met online [x]
82) stayed online for 12 hours straight [x]
83) talked on the phone for more than 6 hours[x]
84) watched TV for 12 hours straight [x]
85) been to a fair [x]
86) been called a bad influence [ ]
87) been cursed [x]
88) prank called someone [x]
89) laid in the bed with someone of the opposite sex [x] my dad? and bro?
90) cheated on a test [x]
91) cheated on homework [x]
92) held hands with someone of the opposite sex [x] .
93) wants to be dead [x]
94) cuts yourself b4 [ ]
95) hate yourself [x]
96) had a crush on someone 10 years older than you [ ]
97) had a crush on someone younger than you[ ]
98) worn eyeliner [x]
99) worn contact lense [x]
100) laughed at someone who was seriously hurt [x] LOL... i know i am mean! xD
wahahaha!! i pai kia! xD
anyway... tired now...
still have to go out with tifa and all tom
see you~!
bye~! xDD
My mind's unweaving/ Monday, November 13, 2006
Sunday, November 12, 2006
went out to church
had skit practice
went out to j8 for lunch
at kfc
with sylvia,serene,gracia,ryan and aaron yeh
came home
used the computer
went out for dinner with my dad
i ate chicken rice
then came home
and died.... xDD
that summarizes my day...
for tom..
out to sentosa from 11-6pm
with sawatari,sawatari's friend,kyuumew,stjh,jkkh,zero,eva
and maybe kai...
i wouldn't have anyone to talk to -.-
although i am the organizer
kyuumew would just keep herself to stjh
sawatari would talk to her friend
and the guys would keep to themselves
.... i think it would be a boring outing..
i feel left out already!!! TT__TT
anyway... here are some photos of rozen maiden
most of them are junk[suigintou] and desu[suiseiseki]! xDD














that's it! xDD see you all!! xDD
My mind's unweaving/ Sunday, November 12, 2006
Saturday, November 11, 2006
so sorry for not updating yesterday -.-
well... was out the whole day and was too tired to update -.-
yesterdayhmms... okay...
was supposed to meet up with hellpriest,stjh,byakugan,zero,nisao
at 11 sharp in ang mo kio mrt station
uhh... but i over-slept -.-"
thank goodness stjh called me
if not i wouldn't have gone...
zzz.... anyway... when i arrived was 11.30?
chiong out of the house mah! xDD
okay so then met all of them in tenshi
where hellpriest bought 7 comic books o.0
and nisao bought 5.... i think so xDD
rich people TT__TT
so then they went to eat....
i was dying there -.-
cause i didn't bring money out
so i had to look at them eat
thanks to hellpriest i lost my appetite -.-"
its not her fault la xDD
cause she lend me the fma book 14
then there was a really 'disgusting' part
which caused me to lose my appetite...
okay... then we went to chinatown
cause pan had new stocks
so go over and check it out
sd arrived later...
uhh... we had 2 gins!!!!!! 0.0
byakugan and sd!!!!
then we had a tamaki/mori
we also had an aizen!!!
we too had a suzumiya haruhi!!!
LOL... and we had a deidara -.-
black haired version
me lor -.-
the akatsuki collar was heavy -.-"
nisao and hellpriest didn't try anything!!! TT__TT
hmms...then i also comfirmed doing rukia for cosfest 07
rukia shinigami form...
uhhuh!! xDD
then we sat down outside pan
discussing about the akatsuki netting....
well.... have no idea why i was in there
then the we walked to macs
but macs had no space!!
so we went outside of macs and talk
after that everyone went back...
then i went home for dinner
came online for awhile
to post some stuff in the forum
then headed to church for the christmas practise
LOL... serene,sarah and eunice
were into llama-ing -.-"
we were dicussing about the script
and finalizing it
and serene has a name in the script!!!
benard and rosey! xDD
then by the time i reached home was 11
was dead tired...
but still came online for 10 mins? xDD
todayday off~!
slacking time for now xDD
my schedule:
sunday: church till 3 pm -.-
monday: out to sentosa~!
tuesday: out to orchard with tifa,jkkh,f10 and zero
wednesday: day off~!
thursday: out to church in the evening for christmas practise
friday: day off~!
saturday: out with my mum to cut my hair for kaname cosplay xDD[kiasu me]
sunday: out to church...
sounds like i am working like that... xD
LOL... well... uhh....
itsuwari...私はもう傾ける取得をそれ… 何回もに私に既にあった…
nothing much to say...
My mind's unweaving/ Saturday, November 11, 2006
Thursday, November 09, 2006
today's post would be on death note! xDD
well... this is a video of jackie chan ruining a concert
cause he was drunk -.-" check this out... death note style of killing jackie chan xD 1 2
i personally think version 2 is more funnier! xDD
LOL... jackie chan didn't die la
but he did crash a concert...
more stuff on death note...
this time cosplay pictures...
kawaii!! xD




kawaii ne?
L looks cute here!!! xDD
so does misa misa and lighto!!
some other random photos...

LOL!!! powerpuff girls,death note style! xD

those who watch rozen maiden should know what this photo is about
i find it amuzing that they changed suiseiseki into ryuk!! xD
and souseiseki into light -.-"
that's about what i am going to share...
see you all!! xDD
My mind's unweaving/ Thursday, November 09, 2006
Wednesday, November 08, 2006
zzz... went out with shermaine to ang mo kio central
to get contact lens -.-"
we had a hard time finding the shop
cause ruizou didn't come with us
and she is the one who knows where the shop is -.-
anyway... so we managed to find the shop
then we had to go thru some check up thing -.-
after that we learnt how to put on the contacts
shermaine got the guy to teach her
and i got the lady! xDD
hahhaha... the lady was like...
" you want the shuai shuai guy teach you?"
i imediately gave her the diao face
like wth??? i no need of such a teacher...
so i was like " no need la... i think you teach better" xDD
anyway... i had a hard time trying to get the stupid lens to stick to my eye -.-
okay... managed to put it on,take it out and put it on again
at least i didn't take hours trying to do it! xD
dont know when i start trying to put it in la...
put the taking out process is rather easy...
but a little.... nvm -.-"
anyway... after that we walked around
then shermaine went to eat....
i already ate so i stared at her while she was eating!! xDDD
i went over to her house
until 4pm
then i left and come home -.-
tired -.-
shall end it here for today
bye~! xDD
My mind's unweaving/ Wednesday, November 08, 2006
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
okay... finally watched finished rozen maiden
LOL... i sure did take long -.-
now watching rozen maiden traumend..
dont know what to expect from it! XD
was talking to cassandra on the phone
somethings are left unknown are the best~! xDD
LOL... a quiz...from hiro...
Start time 7.09pm
Name yining
Nickname zzz... all the mid you can think of -.-"
If you were a skittle, what colour you want to be?red!!!
Chinese zodiac monkey
Hair colourblack
Eye colourblack
Height 164[the last time i checked... and that's months ago -.-"]
Favourite colour black,white,red
Glasses dont really need glasses...
Bunjee jumping?i want!!!! so cool!!
Jumped off a building?no... way -.-"
Dumped someone?nope? xD
Been arrested?
nooo -.-"
Tp'd someone's home? huh???
Won something?
Be rejected? uhh... dunno? xDD
Been to a funeral?
uhh once only... and didn't cry! xDD
Used a lighter? nope...
Been on stage?
yeah... i am acting.. hello!!! acting=stage -.-" LOL
all seasons! well... summer the most cause... midsummer! xDD
Food chicken rice?
Ice cream flavour
School subject geog,maths and science~!
Book (s) zzz... does comic book count? xD
Movie (s)
Song (s) Kinjirareta Asobi-Ali Project
Park no fav park -.-"
talking on the phone? xD
Place home... but i want the sun!! xD
Sport to watch
pk? xD
Band L~Arc~en~ciel
Letter (s)
no fav letter! xD
Restaurant no fav restaurant
Cartoon character
tigger~!! xD
TV station none -.-"
Name for a son
zzzz... haven't thought so far yet hor -.-"
Name for my daugter
same -.-"
Chocolate or vanilla chocolate~!!!
Long relationship or short
long? but i dont want one now -.-"
Dogs or cats neither -.-
Scary movies or comedies
Short hair or long long...
Croutons or bacon bits
bacon bits!!!
Kissing or hugging neither -.-"
Mexicans burito!!!
for friends?
Grass park~!
clueless! xD
Mouse my hamster~!
hands on projects~! xD
Watch a movie nope...
Talk on a phone
i am currently talking on the phone -.-"
Cried nope...
Threw up
Drank a glass of water duh!
Done drugs
nope... i dont do drugs -.-"
Read a book or magazine nope -.-"
Watch TV
Look in a mirror yeah -.-"
Taken a shower
of course!
Taken a picture yup~!
Listen to music
yeah... i am listening to music now -.-
Kissed someone -.-""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""
Told someone you like them
uhh maybe? maybe not? XD
Choose TEN people to do this quiz anyone~!
LOL... anyway... friday faster come!!
i need my contacts quick!!! xD
then see me in brown eyes!! xDD
if i can get the contacts in first -.-"
hahahs... shall end it for now...
friday quick!!! xDD
My mind's unweaving/ Tuesday, November 07, 2006
Monday, November 06, 2006
3/5 oh seven!! here i come!!! xDDcause... i got my streaming results
and i got what i wanted
i have to thank miss ho for it~!
cause miss au said that is the teacher pick for us one!!!
whoo~! xDD
subjects i taking next year:
-science[phys and bio]{i wanted chem and bio but they didn't offer TT__TT}
-social studies/ geog
yup that's it i guess! xDD
some pictures from today? xDD
well... just some random photos with my friends :P

me,teresa,kyuu and shermaine!!
future people of 3/5 oh seven! xDD

well... we are some bozo people who takes photo of our unfinished food
teresa,shermaine and i! xDD wahahahahah!!
the large coke is shermaine's
the coke in the tray with has curry sauce is mine
and the other one is teresa's! xDD
oh and teresa was doing a nice service to macs
but throwing away the trash and the tray!!! xD
well... she dropped the tray into the trash bin -.-
and we all didn't dare to stick our hand in
but to make it worse...
shermaine and i throw more trash on top of the tray!! xDD
i know we are mean!!! xDD
zzz... and i just figured that everyone likes tugging my hair -.-
like wtf????????????
bridget and cassandra wanted to pull my hair at comic collection today -.-
LOL.. my hair isn't for pulling nor tugging on to!!!!
wa... people bulleh me!! xd
so sad... celine,clara and i are in a different class!!
well... we are badminton mates! xDD
TT__TT but good thing still can see each other for badminton next year! xD
okay... i guess that's it then
My mind's unweaving/ Monday, November 06, 2006
Sunday, November 05, 2006
too many things run thru' my head -.-
freaking shit man-.-
nnnnooooooooo.... additional stuff to think about -.-
i am getting my streaming results tom
i hope i will get art
i doubt i would get f&n
most of the people chiong for f&n
so no space for me..
like i even want f&n
anyway... the weather is cold these few days
or is it me?
have been sneezing alot!
or is it i being cursed by someone? o.0
things i have to need/to do for kaname cosplay soon:
-hazel contacts[no longer red... lol]
-my costume from pei hui
-shoes from shermaine[borrow]
-black shirt-red tie-fangs -.-[must get a better set of fangs]
-cut hair
i think that's pretty much it
have never put on contacts before
most likely i would take more than 3 hours just trying to put it on
then after that take another 3 hours to take it out?
first time everyone is going to see me in the costume
would most likely be in the make up photoshoot for hyss -.-
okay... didn't go to church cause... i overslept again -.-
well... at least my alarm clock didn't die on me
i just switched it off and went back to sleep! xDD
so by the time i woke up
the service ended... so no point going down -.-
so paiseh... xDD
well... i hope the outing to sentosa would be a fun one
if not i will die... waste my effort on planning!! xD
zzz... i hope nothing else but fun happens -.-
no accidents please...
nnoo... all this thinking is killing my brain cells...
i dont think i would able to sleep tonight
lol... think to much lor xD
what else? xDD
thank goodness the bloody drill stopped
but i am so certain it will continue tomorrow
please do it when i am not at home!!!
LOL... i hope no more news comes up
if not my head would blow up soon -.-
My mind's unweaving/ Sunday, November 05, 2006
Saturday, November 04, 2006
all the stupid drilling outside my house
its killing me!!!!!!!rahh!!! stupid thing...
why must they redo they floor?
ssssssssooooooooo NOISY!!!!!

pooh~!*points at photo*
testing of camera!!!
cause i was too excited after charging the battery xDD
LOL... so many things happened!!
dont want to talk about it...
okay... now i am totally into rozen maiden...
hahahs.. sorry if i boring you out xD
well here is a summary of rozen maiden :P
Sakurada Jun was in the second grade of junior high, but he dropped out of school because he had problems socializing with his classmates. After he quit school, Jun refused to go out, and spent all his time at home shopping on the internet for 'weird' or 'cursed' items. One day, a mysterious box appeared in the middle of his room. When he opened the box, he found a sophisticated doll, which looked so real that it appeared to be alive...
only if rozen maiden characters didn't wear a dress..other than jun -.-"
if not i would want to try out cosplaying as one of the rozen maiden characters...
hai -.-"
today xD
went out with zero for awhile
then went to church for the skit practise
like it was darn funny
cause it was like aaron yeh[father], serene[mother], nat[son]
so nat intro daniel[orphan] to his family la...
so nat was like "this is my family...
*points at serene* my mother
*points at yeh* my father
*points to himself* my sister!"
xDD retarded right?

serene's hand! LOL.. xDD
testing out the functions of my cam... xDD
during break time... xD
zzz... well..... still acting as the ah ma -.-"
i must make my voice lower!!
hahahs... on that day i will be holding a spade...
cause the scene is in a garden! xDD
funny!! i have to memorize 3 lines
well not too bad -.-
lucky thing i am not serene...
have so much to say! xDD
serene was going crazy about jumping over a chair-.-
you know those chair for really young kids to sit on?
look at the photo above...
the one with serene's hand...
yeah... can you see the green chair under her hand?
that's the chair i am refering to....-.-"
okay.. yeah... then serene was like
" take photo of me jumping over the chair"
so i agreed to it
i took the photo... and not taking her head[by accident la]! xDD
it was a nice shot... but sadly her head wasn't in the photo xD
zzz... then also saw a cat in my church
and one of the leg was broken... according to yeh xD
the cat wanted to eat a plastic ichigo[strawberry] xD
'then yeh threw
the ichigo into the drain xDDDDD'<--- geddit????xDD
the poor cat had nothing to play with! xD
actually the cat wanted to eat it cause it was starving? xD
okay... then i had dinner with my mum
i had nothing to do...
so i was playing with my cam and taking photo of my food! xD
told you i am crazy over my cam! xDD

*points at photo*
my finished food! xDD
the nearer bowl is mine LOL...
see all the vege in there! xD
i hate eating vege!!!
a day of testing my cam!! xDD
zzz... i shall continue watching rozen maiden~! xDD
My mind's unweaving/ Saturday, November 04, 2006
Friday, November 03, 2006
finally got my digital camera xDD
too happy liao!!
now charging it...
went to funan to collect it....
out the whole day...
now too tired -.-
shall update another time -.-"
My mind's unweaving/ Friday, November 03, 2006
Thursday, November 02, 2006

one of the photos taken on the last day of school
zzz...the photo abit blurr... -.-"
zzzz.... i dont want saturday to come!!!
i will pretty much die on that day >_______>
also watching rozen maiden...
i want a rozen maiden~! xDD
but i dont want to be a slave..
and jun is such a brat..
must celebrate man!!!
my mum is finally getting a digital cam...
well free gift ...
so take la! xD
digi cam leh..
fujiflim one...
zzz... i know its not that good
but wahahah... finally a digital camera!!
*jumps around the room*
anyway... shall play with my baobei guitar~! xD
love the bass and electric!!
My mind's unweaving/ Thursday, November 02, 2006
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
zzz... went out with stjh, jkkh, zero, zero's cousin, f10, hybrid, takashi to far east -.-
well... i didn't really do anything there
only go see see stuff...
at haru cause there they having sale today mah
then also go to other shop -.-
and to long john's for lunch with stjh, jkkh and f10
zzz... then zero, zero's cousin, hybrid and takashi all run to bugis -.-
then come home lor
anyway... have to thank zero for dragging me out -.-
if not i will be at home really bored! xDD
oh and i forgot someone's birthday yesterday -.-
my bad....
happy belated birthday to L! from death note!! xDD
well... death note ep 5[raw] is finally out...
and ep 6 is the ep where L is going to reveal his face
for those who read the manga or watch the movie...
you all should understand what i am talking about

see... lighto~!!
shuai bah! xDD
well... this is a picture from the part where he is in the mrt
about to kill all the fbi thru' raye
the guy who has a fbi as a girlfriend[naomi] -.-
well... i am bored so i will do a quiz from jane! xDD
Cried: nope
Wore Jeans: yeah -.-"
Met someone: zzz... duh -.-"
Done laundry: no.. my mum does it xD
Went Hungry: zzz. .yeah of course...
Talked on the phone: yeah...
Said I love you: NO! -.-" specific reasons why to that answer :P
Do you believe in yourself: yeap
Your friends: yeap...
Tooth Fairy: no -.-" i dont believe in fairies...
Destiny/ Fate: uhh... i dont know seh xD destiny.... maybe not... fate... i am clueless to it! xD
Ghosts: zzz... no.. i dont believe in ghost too!! xDD
UFO: zzz... no i dont believe in retarded stuff like ufo -.-"
Do you ever wished you had another name?: yeah...
Do you like anyone?: now? nope... not at all! xD
Which one of your friends acts most like you: zzz... how should i know? xD
When you cried the most who was there: uhh... no one TT__TT well... i dont usually cry infront of others... unless i cant hold it back xD
Whats the best feeling in the world?: uhh... being hyper!!
Whats the worst feeling in the world? depression...
What time is it now?:5.40 pm
Chocolate or Vanilla: CHOCOLATE!! <33 style="font-weight: bold;">Coke or pepsi: neither...
Love or LUST: zzz... i refuse to answer! xD
Mac or KFC: kfc i think... cause i got sick of macs already! xD
Single of group dates:both...
Adidas or Nike:adidas!!!
Lipton Tea or Nestea: lipton tea.. but i hardly drink tea... i drink coffee dude! xDD
Cauppucino or coffee: starbucks coffee~! xDD
smoke: NEVER!
Curse: unless i am really pissed about something? xd
Take a shower: duh!
Have a crush: nope...
Think you've been in love: i refuse to answer -.-"
Like school: for FRIENDS? yeah!
Want to get married: uhh... maybe? xDD
Think you're a heath freak: nope...
drink alcohol: nope... i want white wine~!
Gone to the mall: yeah
Been on stage: yeah xD
Eaten sushi: uhh... nope....
Been dumped: zzz... not even in a relationship how to get dumped? xDD retarded man!!! xDD
Gone skating: ice-skating? uhh... i think so xD
Dyed your hair: nope
Changed who you want to be: not really...
I love: so many things~! xDD my guitar the most!!!
I hide: my true feelings -.-" sad to say xD
I miss: two-six!!!! TT__TT
I need: ice cream!!! sugar!!!!
Seven people you would like them to do:
-hiroyuki-teresa-shermaine-kyuu-zero-jerome <-- xDD-tifa_lockhart--------------------------------
here's a part of the msn conversation teresa and i had...
GREEN SUGAR BISCUIT: what-yining//midsummer-: nvmGREEN SUGAR BISCUIT:dotssssssssGREEN SUGAR BISCUIT:sotd-yining//midsummer-: huh?GREEN SUGAR BISCUIT: dots...flip it de other way round.><-yining//midsummer-: also spell wrong -.--yining//midsummer-: stod la -.-GREEN SUGAR BISCUIT: ohh..yah hor..haha.XDDDD-yining//midsummer-: zzz -.-hahahahs.. .xDD
took a personalDNA test -.-"
teresa asked me to do it
so i did it cause i was bored xDD's the link to my test results...
shocking to see that i am encouraging inventor..
hah! i dont think i would even invent anything :P
zzz... some of the stuff there are rather retarded xD
anyway... i didn't talk much today >_________>
no mood bah xD
shall end it off here...
go play my guitar!!! <33>
My mind's unweaving/ Wednesday, November 01, 2006